Welcome to Charlottesville Pathology Associates (CPA)
CPA is a pathology group that offers a full-service histopathology and cytopathology laboratory located in Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, VA. Our group consists of two Board certified anatomic and clinical Pathologists who are committed to providing the highest quality of diagnostic services for clinical doctors and their patients. We strive to provide quality pathology with outstanding personal attention. Please feel free to explore our website and contact us directly with any questions.
About Our Lab
Charlottesville Pathology Associates is affiliated with Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital. CPA provides professional pathology services and directorship to Martha Jefferson Hospital’s clinical and anatomic pathology laboratory. Our offices are located in Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital.
Opening Hours
7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
On Call Available
Diagnostic Surgical Pathology
Immunohistochemistry and Molecular
We excel in providing excellent customer service for all of our clients and the highest quality professional laboratory services.

Our Pathologists
Have A Bill?
Healthpro Medical Billing is Charlottesville Pathology Associates’ billing partner. Healthpro files all the claims, deals with patient questions, and handles the details with payers to keep the billing process smooth for patients and providers. Healthpro is located in Ohio and has a toll-free number for our practice at 1-866-223-6316.